Spark updated on Mac: Added with third-party integrations
The well-known macOS & iOS developer Readdle announced this week that its email app Spark will be added with third-party app integrations.
The marketing VP of Readdle, Denys Zhadanov, said on his blog, “There is a complete disconnect between our inboxes and the task management tools we use. Not anymore.” With the new Spark, users can open emails via a link in third-party apps.
According to the given information, Spark’s third-party integrations include Apple’s Reminder, Things, Evernote, OneNote, and Bear, etc. Readdle said the third-party integrations can help manage the inbox, avoiding data overload. This new version can also help users concentrate on their works, making things smooth and simple.
Currently the integrations has launched on macOS, and can be download the latest version 1.4.0 from the Mac App Store to OS X 10.11 or higher (compatible with 64-bit processors). Readdle also revealed that they will bring this new function to iOS next month.