Does MacBook Pro really needs OLED?
If the recent rumors are true, the up-coming MacBook Pro is on its way with the greatest upgrade these years. Do you think the smart tablet OLED, which was mentioned in those rumors, is really necessary? Quite a number of Apple fans agree that the OLED will improve their experience of using macOS Sierra, while some just consider it as a stunt.
It’s said that the new MacBook Pro OLED tablet will replace the old multi-media buttons, and provide the functions like volume and power with touch display. Those function buttons change depending on what app or task you’re running.
For example, when you’re running apps that has many features like Photoshop, you can make the selection quickly through the OLED tablet. That means no matter what task you’re doing, the OLED tablet is able to serve what you need. Additionally, you can set part of those icons as frequently-used.
All the time users are using the traditional control through mouse and keyboard. Essentially Siri and OLED are both newly added, but the former is open for voice, while the latter needs you to look at it from time to time. So perhaps to remember the icons on OLED tablet for different apps is unpractical.